An explanation of interstellar travel and UFO gravitic propulsion
How is it possible to cross the vast expanses of space required for interstellar travel
without exceeding the speed of light?
Or how can you travel in reasonable time and economy between points that are light years
apart? Now keep in mind that the speed of light is 186,000 miles a second, which
translates into roughly 669 million miles an hour. And a light year is the distance
travelled in one year at the speed of light, a distance of almost 6 trillion miles.
For instance, Proxima Centauri, the star system nearest us would take four years to
reach if you could travel at the speed of light, which we can't. As an example, one
of our Pioneer space probes has left our solar system and is speeding toward Proxima
Centauri and will not be there until after the year 28,000. That is the type of
distance we're discussing. So up until now, when we've examined the requirements to
travel these distances, we've always had to consider the problems of travelling at a
speed near the speed of light. This poses problems in propulsion, navigation, fuel
capacities, and even when you consider the effects of acceleration on space/time,
which includes time dilation, mass increase, length contraction and a whole host of
other things, it becomes evident that this type of travel would require a level of
technology that man has not yet achieved. The truth of the matter is that travelling
these distances does require a level of technology that man has not achieved, but it
has nothing to do with flying in a linear mode near the speed of light.
We know that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, so in our
universe we've always assumed that the fastest way from Point A to Point B was
to travel in a straight line between the two points at the speed of light. Well,
the fact is that when you are dealing with space/time and you enjoy the capability
of generating an intense gravitational field, the fastest way from Point A to Point B
is to distort, or warp, or bend the space/time between Points A and B, bringing
Points A and B closer together. The more intense the gravitational field, the greater
the distortion of space/time and the shorter the distance between Points A and B.
Most of us think of space/time as the void or as nothing and remember, it wasn't that long
ago that man considered the air in our atmosphere to be nothing. Yet with time, we've
become aware of the components and properties of the air in our atmosphere. Well,
indeed, space/time is an entity and one of it's properties is that it can be distorted
or bent by a gravitational field. We know that gravity bends or distorts space/time
and light by virtue of the fact that we're able to see stars which we know should be
blocked from our view by the sun. We've used radio and optical telescopes to map
stars and other celestial bodies during the course of our yearly orbit around the sun,
so we know where these celestial bodies should be. When the sun is between us and
a star, many times we can still see the star as though it were in a different position.
We know that gravity distorts time by virtue of the fact that if we take two devices
which measure minute variations in time, and we keep one at sea level and take the
other to a high altitude, when we recompare them, they reflect different times. The
difference in this passage of time is caused by the fact that a gravitational field
weakens the further you get from the source, and of course in this instance, the source
of the gravitational field is the earth. So the one device which was taken to the high
altitude was exposed to a less powerful gravitational field than the device which we
kept at sea level. One device used to make measurements like this is an atomic clock
and the most recent atomic clock is supposed not to vary more than 1 second in every
1 million years, that's how precise it is. So the effect of a gravitational field on
space/time is something that we've been able to observe but not experiment with.
This is due to our inability to generate a gravitational field.
And, up until this point in time, great mass such as a star, planet, or moon was the
only source of a discernable gravitational field that we were aware of. So,
just as the gravitational field around great mass, such as a planet, distorts
space and time, any gravitational field, whether naturally occurring or generated,
distorts space and time in a similar manner. This is accomplished by generating
an intense gravitational field and using that field to distort space/time, bringing
the destination to the source, and allowing you to cross many light years of space
in little time and without travelling in a linear mode near the speed of light.
Now the great benefit of generating an intense gravitational field is not only can
you turn it on, but you can turn it off. We can distort the space/time and in turn the
distance between the point where we are and the point where we want to be. We can
then position ourselves at the point where we want to be, and then stop generating the
gravitational field ... allowing space/time to return to it's natural form. In this
manner, we can travel great distances with little linear movement and this is how
space/time distortion translates into reduced distance.
Up until this point in time, I've used the term "generate" to describe the capability
of producing a gravitational field, but since I'm not aware of any way of creating
a gravitational field from nothing, a more accurate term might be to "access and amplify"
a gravitational field. And this is what I mean when I use the term "generate". To
understand how gravity is generated or "accessed and amplified", you must first know
what gravity is.
There are currently two main theories about gravity. The "wave" theory which states
that gravity is a wave and the other is a theory which includes "gravitons", which are
alleged sub-atomic particles which perform as gravity, which by the way, is total nonsense.
The fact that gravity is a wave has caused mainstream scientists to surmise numerous
sub-atomic particles which don't actually exist and this has caused great complexity
and confusion in the study of particle physics. Anyway, gravity is a wave and there are
two different types of gravity. Gravity A and gravity B. Gravity A works on a small
or "micro" scale and gravity B works on a larger or "macro" scale. We're familiar
with gravity B, it is the big gravity wave that holds the earth, as well as the rest
of the planets in orbit around the sun and holds the moon, as well as man-made satellites,
in orbit around the earth. We're not familiar with gravity A. It is the small gravity
wave which is the major contributory force that holds together the "mass" that makes
up all protons and neutrons.
You must have at least an atom of substance for it to be considered "matter". At least a
proton and an electron and in most cases a neutron. Anything short of an atom such as
upquarks and downquarks which make up protons and neutrons; or protons, neutrons, or
electrons, individually are considered to be mass and do not constitue "matter" until they
form an atom. So that's why I said that gravity A holds together the "mass" or the "stuff"
that makes up protons and neutrons. Once an atom is formed, the electromagnetic force is
also a substantial factor.
Gravity A is what is currently being labelled as the "strong nuclear force" in mainstream
physics and gravity A is the wave that you need to "access and amplify" to enable you
to cause the space/time distortion required for "practical" interstellar travel. To keep
them straight ... just remember that gravity A works on the "A"tomic or actually sub-"A"tomic
scale and gravity B is the "B"ig gravity wave that works on a stellar or planetary
level. However, don't mistake the size of these waves for their strengths, because
gravity A is a much stronger force than gravity B. You can momentarily break the gravity
B field of the earth by simply jumping in the air. So this is not an intense gravitational
Locating gravity A is no problem because it is found in the nucleus of every atom of all
matter here on earth and all matter anywhere else in our universe. However, accessing
gravity A with the naturally occurring elements found on earth is a big problem. And,
in fact, I'm not aware of any way of accessing the gravity A wave using any earth elements,
whether naturally occurring or synthesized and here's why ... We've already learned that
gravity A is the major force that holds together the mass that makes up protons and neutrons
and other sub-atomic particles. This means that gravity A that we are trying to access
is virtually inaccessible because it is located within matter, or at least within the matter
we have here on earth.
However, the earth is not representative of all matter within our universe. The residual
matter which remains after the creation of a solar system is totally dependant on the
contributing factors which were present during the creation of the solar system. This
is true whether you believe that the origin of the universe was an evolutionary event or
that a supreme being caused this event to happen. The two main factors which determine
what residual matter remains after the creation of a solar system are the amount of
electromagnetic energy and the amount of mass present during the solar system's creation.
Our solar system has one star, which is our Sun. But the majority of solar systems in our
Milky Way galaxy are binary and multiple star systems which have more than one sun.
In fact, many single star solar systems have stars that are so large that our Sun would
appear to be a dwarf by comparison. Keeping all this is mind, it should be obvious
that a large, single star system, binary star system, or multiple star system would have
had more of the prerequisite mass and electromagnetic energy present during their creations.
Scientists have long theorized that there are potential combinations of protons and neutrons
which should provide stable elements with atomic numbers being higher than any which
appear on our periodic chart, though none of these heavy elements occur naturally on
earth. Some elements heavier than uranium do occur on earth in trace amounts, but for
the most part, we synthesize these heavier elements in laboratories. Generally speaking,
the stability of these synthesized, heavy elements decreases as their atomic number
increases. However, experiments at the lab for heavy ion research in Germany have
shown that this may only be true up to a certain point as the half life for element 109
is longer than that of element 108. This indicates that they may be at the advent of
an island of stability on the periodic chart. The point is that our observations and
theories are accurate and the fact is that heavier, stable elements with higher atomic
numbers which have more protons, neutrons and electrons than any earth elements do exist.
Up until this point in history, there has been no physical evidence to prove this ...
now that proof is here and in the custody of the United States government.
The most important attribute of these heavier, stable elements is that the gravity A
wave is so abundant that it actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. These
heavier, stable elements literally have their own gravity A field around them, in
addition to the gravity B field that is native to all matter. No naturally occurring
atoms on earth have enough protons and neutrons for the cumulative gravity A wave
to extend past the perimeter of the atom so you can access it. Now even though
the distance that the gravity A wave extends past the perimeter of the atom is
infinitesimal, it is accessible and it has amplitude, wave length and frequency,
just like any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Once you can access
the gravity A wave, you can amplify it just like we amplify other electromagnetic
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